Reports until 19:21, Thursday 14 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:21, Thursday 14 March 2013 (5810)
Another Round of TMSY De-rubbing
J. Kissel, B. Bland

Betsy took another crack at de-rubbing the TMSY this morning. Her words which I've paraphrased: "I definitely readjusted the stiffness of the cables between the optical table and top mass, and around the top mass. But that aside, it really does look totally free -- I softly bounced, rocked and rolled it and it's definitely has a good range of motion before hitting its stops."

Since, I've taken another set of transfer functions (see attached). It looks looks significantly better than previous measurements:
- Vertical Modes are no longer double-peaked
- The most prominent Roll feature between 0.65 and 0.8 Hz has changed shape to be less complicated, lower in frequency, and dare-I-say fewer modes
- Whatever high frequency noise that appeared in yesterday's Tranverse TF has gone away again
- The second L/P mode at 0.8 Hz has moved down to 0.75 Hz
- TFs in general are a little bit cleaner
But until we get a similarly detailed measurement under vacuum, or a model we can trust, I can't definitively say "we're good." But I certainly can be convinced that what noise that's left that we see is from air-currents and ambient noise. I'll let team-TMS make the final call.

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