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Reports until 20:52, Thursday 14 March 2013
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:52, Thursday 14 March 2013 (5811)
Input Optics Work


[Deepak N., Rodica M., Chris M.]

* After Besty's realignment of the MC3 BOSEMs we found that the mode cleaner was not aligned.  Deepak checked the top stage earthquake stops, and they all seemed to be fine.  After noticing that the RT BOSEM was mis-centered by ~4000 counts we decided to recenter it.  This brought the mode cleaner much closer to flashing, but we still had to make some small tweaks afterwards.  The moral of the story is that the meaning of the alignment numbers is rather sensitive to the BOSEM centering.  I guess this isn't terribly surprising because, as Jeff K. pointed out, the magnetic field of the BOSEMs is designed to roll off quickly outside of the opening.  


* We attempted to set the polarizaiton of the recycled MC Refl beam using the HWP as mentioned in yesterday's post, but ran into a confusing inability to do so. Hmm...

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