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Reports until 10:56, Friday 15 March 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:56, Friday 15 March 2013 (5813)
Continuing To Modify CDS Software SUS Watchdog Screens

This morning I asked the question: 

"Who is OSEM[*] in the Alarm Handlder??"     (  *  can be 1-6 in the Alarm Handler)

Dr. Kissel handed over a crumpled Post-It note which decrypted the OSEM mystery.  Currently, to understand what a SUS alarm means, one needs this Post It note because the Alarm handler names SUS Watchdog channels as OSEM1, OSEM2, ...OSEM6 (which isn't really useful since the SUS Expert screens don't use the OSEM names; they use F1, F2, F3, Left, Right, Side).  I posted the Post It notes to the CDS SUS wiki.  [As for the actual alarm in question, it was related to OSEM5&6 (Left & Right) "Centering"; and this is most likely due to not being pumped down].

I did actually do something here.  Jeff showed me the IOP Watchdog screen, and how some of the custom medm screens on here have been changed from using "OSEM" to "useful" names.  But we noticed some sub-screens weren't updated (namely EY BSC6).  So, I updated this screen from the OPS Station.  Here are steps taken:

(I also changed names on the H1CDS_SOFTWARE_SUS_WATCHDOGS_TST.adl screen as well)

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