Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 15:56, Monday 18 March 2013
LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Monday 18 March 2013 (5832)
Ops activities

Dust Monitor 1 has a calibration error and is not working - Patrick is working on a replacement. All PSL environmental monitoring channels still offline.

800-820 Arnaud taking measurement on MC1 and MC3 ---coordinated with Doug and Jason

919 Mid Columbia Forklift on site

930 Kiwamu transitioned EY to laser safe

930 Pablo and Michael R working on PCAL annulus near H2 PSL enclosure

1004 Travis pulling soft covers on HAM2

1100-1140 Dave B power cycling h1pemmx, restarting DAQ, SUS-IM

1307 CH2MHILL on site (Ski)

1330 Apollo Sheet Metal delivery

1445 Reverse osmosis unit shut down from clogged filter (H0:FMC-CS_WS_RO_ALARM); fixed by Ski

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.