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Reports until 16:34, Monday 18 March 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Monday 18 March 2013 (5833)
Picomotors on Transmon
Chris, Kiwamu, Sheila

We tested the picomotors at end Y today, we saw that the hardware is fine for all of them, but we had a lot of problems using the software.  
In the morning the END Y TwinCAT system manager was not working properly, there were some modules in the chassis that were not in the configuration in system manager, although Daniel and Max updated the system manager when they replaced a broken communication module last week.  Patrick updated the system manager again, and saw that PLC2.pro is missing, so none of the ALS laser channels are currently working.  

Once Patrick and Max had fixed that, we were able to control the first two picomotors (M3  (injection path, on the edge of the table) and M6 (injection path center of the table)  from medm screen without problems, but mirrors 3 (dichroic) and 4 (IR QPDs) we were unable to control. (although everything looked fine according to the LEDs on the controller) 

Using the picomotor tester, we were able to control all of the picomotors, by injecting a square wave 0-5V at 500 Hz into the pulse input on the tester.  (The step size needed to see a difference in the position of the mirror is about 1000 steps, so the switch that moves by a single step is not very practical)

I'm not sure what is going on with the last two controllers when we use beckhoff, but I will try to figure it out.  

Also, Kiwamu removed the half wave plate that we put onto the ALS table for the QPD alignment.  
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.