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Reports until 18:50, Monday 18 March 2013
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:50, Monday 18 March 2013 - last comment - 18:56, Monday 18 March 2013(5835)
New TwinCAT installation instruction

New TwinCAT installation scripts are available which support:

This required a change of the target area. All target files are now located in C:SlowControlsTarget which is no longer under subversion control. Source code for the PLC programs is available under C:SlowControlsTwinCATSourceCurrentInterferometer. Program changes should never be applied to the target area directly. The new installation scripts also add the subversion revision number to the target code which in turn is available as an EPICS channel. The archive must be fully committed, otherwise the compile script aborts. When debugging, the revision number is patched to zero (invalid).

Installation of TwinCAT Targets, LIGO-T1300175
Coding Standard for TwinCAT Slow Controls Software, LIGO-E1200225

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 18:56, Monday 18 March 2013 (5836)
Support for special characters like backslash, greater than and smaller than is broken. Add them where needed in the above post!
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