Reports until 21:11, Thursday 21 March 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:11, Thursday 21 March 2013 (5861)
End Y fiber PLL
Max, Sheila

We went out to the Y end and first tweaked the alignment of the beam from the fiber using a fiber laser (there is such a small amount of light coming from the PSL fiber that it is difficult to see.)  We saw a beat note easily once we had all of the cables connected correctly.  We checked that this signal gets all the way to the timing comparator, (frequency counter?) and we saw that the other input to the timing comparator is at 79.2 MHz.  However, the beckhoff channel for the beat note frequency is always 0.  

We moved on to locking, we were able to lock (using only the PZT, no temperature control) with the laser current at 1.737 and the temperature at 31.45, with a common gain of -22dB and fast gain of -4 (giving a ugf of 3.5kHz).  The OLG measured with these settings is attached, I was able to turn the gain up a bit (ugf around 10 kHz) but the lock was not very stable there.  

The next steps are to turn on the temperature control and get the frequency counter working again.  

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