Reports until 09:02, Friday 22 March 2013
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:02, Friday 22 March 2013 (5862)
H1-ITM Elliptical Baffles

Michael V., Nichole W., Scott S., Gerardo M., Jodi F., Jim W.

Both suspensions for the ITM Elliptical baffles were installed succesfully.  Both baffle "boxes" are not installed, but they are being stored insided the beam tube for now, they can be installed at a later time.  We still need to remove a couple of loose pieces of equipment from inside chamber, such as a "table" and a "lifting" jig, they will be removed some time today.

Big thanks to the Apollo crew for their help (Scott, Chris, and Mark).

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