Reports until 15:51, Friday 22 March 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Friday 22 March 2013 (5869)
Dust Monitor 8 MAJOR Alarm Setting Adjusted

Dust Monitor #8 = HAM2 Cleanroom (as of 3/18/13)

During my two shifts this week, I noticed this dust alarm having MAJOR alarms throughout the day, and most of the time, I'd check and see no one inside or near the cleanroom.   Generally the alarm would only last one cycle (~1min) & then clear.

The MAJOR setting was set at 200counts for 0.3um & 0.5um.  I increased it to 300counts & we'll see how it goes.  (this was done by changing values on the Alarm Settings medm window for Dust Alarm #8)

(at the moment, we have Travis & Betsy in the cleanroom working inside of HAM2 and the counts are 0.)