Reports until 11:50, Monday 25 March 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Monday 25 March 2013 - last comment - 15:11, Monday 25 March 2013(5875)
BS plugged in and looks ~logical, Elliptical Baffles hung - BSC2

This morning, I hopping into the chamber and plugged in our 3 SUS 25 pin feedthru connections.  Richard turned power on to enable sus controls.  Arnaud fixed some model errors.  The BS is not suspended yet as some coarse SEI balancing and alignment is up next.

Then, Jim and I hung the 2 Elliptical Baffles from the suspension downtubes mounted on Stage 0.  The cartridge is fully payloaded now.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:11, Monday 25 March 2013 (5879)
The model error that Betsy alludes to was spotted by Dave Barker in the course of debugging a timing error.

The M2 OSEM inputs on the BS block had been wired to  through  in the BSTST model, and when I adapted it for BS I changed them to  through  rather than the correct  through . Thus M2UL and M2LL had been doubling M1RT and M1 SD, and M2UR and M2LR had been picking up the DuoTone signal. 

The corrected model was built, installed, and committed to the SVN.