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Reports until 18:24, Saturday 01 May 2021
varun.srivastava@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Saturday 01 May 2021 - last comment - 15:27, Sunday 02 May 2021(58813)
PI Damping

At 25 W; Reducing the CSOFT-Y gain to 20 and increased the CSOFT-P gain to 30 before going up in power.

Powering up with ETMX RH at 0.45 W and ETMY RH at 0.7 W. This looks promising. The IFO was locked with 47 W of input power for over four hours. The lockloss occured at 1303946273, which seems to be due to ASC. No PI ringups were recorded at this lockloss. 

Comments related to this report
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Sunday 02 May 2021 (58814)

I think the high wind might have contributed to this lockloss.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.