Reports until 17:12, Monday 25 March 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Monday 25 March 2013 (5883)
WBSC2 SEI Status--HEPI Floating, Optic [sic] at nominal elevation

JimW, MitchellR & Hugh

We leveled and elevated the BSC2 (BS) ISI Optical Table.  Nominal elevation is 1661.7mm(G=L at BSC2) less 2.9mm because of the air gap in the SYS SW modeling (DCoyne email 20120926).  Additionally, IAS reports the BS optic ended Test Stand Alignment 0.32mm high wrt optical Table(DCook percomm.)  So, I set the Optical Table at 1661.7- 2.9-0.3=1658.5mm; see attached for my surveying notes.

Synopsis: Ave elevation 1658.5+-0.1mm.  The HEPI Springs range from 1940 to 2150lbs, w/ 85lbs rotation effort--that isn't too bad.  Dial indicators suggest we have pulled west ~1mm & south ~1/2mm since Cartridge install, again not too bad.

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