Reports until 17:44, Monday 25 March 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Monday 25 March 2013 (5884)
EY reboots and DC power cycling

We had an accidental AC power cycle of the +12V DC supply which drives the timing fanout this afternoon. During the recovery the front ends and their IO Chassis the +/-24V for the ISC Beckhoff chassis were accidentally powered down and back on while the +/-18V supplies were on. This caused a burning smell in the rack area, at which point we powered down all four ISC power supplies (+/-18 and +/-24) and labeled them with "do not power on". We will investigate this in the morning, the power up sequence of these systems is critical.

All the non-ISC DC power supplies are back on and all the front ends are running. We labled the two +24V IO Chassis supplies with new updated labels.