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Reports until 13:17, Monday 25 March 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:17, Monday 25 March 2013 - last comment - 13:20, Tuesday 26 March 2013(5877)
WBSC2 SEI Status--All sensors live, HEPI Floating

Jim, Mitchell & Hugh

Jim went in chamber to assist Betsy with Baffle hanging while Mitchell & I did the final dressing of the sensor cables.  We followed protocol (T1200193) to insure consistent grounding of the GS13 seismometers.  The sensor cables where then checked with the emulator to confirm good & right cables.  All checked out and then were plugged in.  All sensors now functional.

Next we checked the zeros on the HEPI Load Cells, all below 20lbs.  Continued then with HEPI loading after the horizontal locks were pulled back.  All corners now floating.  We are ready to level and elevate the ISI Optical Table in prep for IAS.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 13:20, Tuesday 26 March 2013 (5890)

Here is an image showing the GS-13 cable attached to the Cable Bracket; it is the bottom gold one.  We remove the peek bushing that would normally isolate the cable backshell & shield.  This grounds the GS-13 in-vac shield insuring the potentially intermittent in pod ground doesn't cause problems.

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