Reports until 23:01, Wednesday 27 March 2013
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:01, Wednesday 27 March 2013 (5896)
IO activities

[Cheryl, Joe, Giacomo]

First thing today, we relived the yaw offset on PRM. As a fiducial, we placed an iris in the rejected beam, at the edge of th table before it goes into HAM1. We then gradually remove the yaw offset from PRM and rotated the cage to keep the beam centered on the iris. After re-clamping the cage, our best estimate of the centering of the beam is with yaw = +50 (pitch is still +2000).

We also directed the parking beam through its baffle on top of HAM2. This required adjusting the position of the baffle slightly (pushing it towards the center of the viewport by ~1/4"). Parking values are yaw = -6000 and pitch = +2500. With this settings, the beam hits comfortably the parking mirror.

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