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Reports until 01:31, Thursday 28 March 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:31, Thursday 28 March 2013 (5910)
Alignment checks - input beam, beams in IMC
First check is to the wall - PSL input beam reflected off the vacuum input viewports.  Picture attached is annotated with progression of beam positions.  Beam is mapping out a space that is neither here (under vacuum position) nor there (in-air position), and currently at some new in-between position.  Two pictures attached.

Second check is in HAM2 at the periscope - beam is off in yaw by a beam radius, 2-3mm (on card).  One picture attached.

Third check - MC2 - centered there to the 2mm I could see on PRM.

Fourth check - MC3 - less precision but not off by a centimeter.

Beam from MC2 is going through the iris in front of MC3.

I found that the markers for the irises in front of MC1 and MC2 were gone, along with the irises (taken to align PRM).  This can be recovered, if we chose to do that, but unfortunately the original marked position is no longer.

- Cheryl, with help from Giacomo and Joe
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