Reports until 15:09, Thursday 28 March 2013
H2 General
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:09, Thursday 28 March 2013 (5915)
3IFO NSF Storage Review Prep
I sealed up the two new HXTS that were placed in the meat locker yesterday. I also attached signage/drawings/ICS records to the five HXTS in the meat locker. I inventoried and separated MC Baffle parts this morning: small parts were placed in a tote and large parts were wrapped/attached to their shelf with plastic wrap and a few lengths of blue tamper-evident tape. I worked on AC and Elliptical Baffle parts this afternoon: there are two plastic wrapped and taped pallets on the floor level of Shelving Unit B in the West Bay containing these parts. I also applied signage to a HAM Shipping, HAM Storage, and BSC Storage Container for show-and-tell purposes.