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Reports until 16:30, Thursday 28 March 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Thursday 28 March 2013 (5918)
Beam Splitter Suspension added to IOP software watchdog system

WP 3785. Modified h1iopsusb123 model to add the BS suspension to the software watchdog system. Restarted h1susb123 at 16:06. The h1iopseib2 model was already setup for this and did not need restarting.

So now if either ITMY or BS or both have tripped top OSEM channels, both SEI BSC1 and SEI BSC2 will be tripped if SUS B123 is not bypassed.

I created a new BSC1 and BSC2 WD MEDM screen and made the appropriate links from the top WD screen.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.