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Reports until 18:07, Thursday 28 March 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Thursday 28 March 2013 (5921)
BS WBSC2 IAS Alignment Status: X Y Z complete, moving to Pitch & Yaw
Occupy Mon AM506 (-2133.6x,-182.8y) at HI -82.9 Lz, BackSite LV-22 (-2133.6x,-22692y)
Nominal Turn: HAR 270-01'45" ZA 90-00'02".  Sited Baffle Target at BS at HAR 270-03'10" ZA 89-59'28" for 85" & 34" error.
Over 1931mm these angles give position errors 0.8mm -Y & 0.3mm +Z from nominal
BS position (-202.7x,-183.8y) yields distance from AM506 1930.9mm nominal.  EDM w/ -30mm prism offset shot 1.8617m to retro-reflector.  Retro-reflector measured to be 2.709"=68.8mm from optic face (FC).  1930.9-1.8617-68.8 = 0.4mm -X of nominal.  I am told this is within spec (percomm DCook.)
Of course to get it here we did a number of HEPI moves monitoring the Dial Indicators on the ends of the Support Tubes.  Based on the DIs and 'adding' to the Optical Table leveling results from 25 March, the 'level' of the Optical Table is still +-0.1mm so should be fine.  Would like to confirm with AutoLevel shots directly on the Optical Table, maybe tomorrow.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.