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Reports until 09:57, Friday 29 March 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:57, Friday 29 March 2013 (5926)
beam splitter changed on ALS table, fiber rerouted
Yesterday we continued to struggle to get light from the fiber to the end station. Richard is helping us trace down the problem.  Even with the fiber working well, we only get 10uW onto the ALS table, then there are two 50/50 beam splitters, so there were only about 2.5 uW on the PD, giving us a signal level around -40dBm, which is marginal and might be why I thought the ohase frequency discriminator was not working (it works as expected with larger signal levels).  I changed out the 50/50 beam splitter that sends a pick off to the PDs that monitor the power out of the fiber and the polarization to a 10% beamsplitter.

Chris and Max also rerouted the fiber from the patch panel to the table feedthrough. This fiber was on the floor, and probably stepped on, but it seems to work fine, the probelms we are having are upstream of that.  

Also, I spent some time yesterday afternoon labeling cables inside the ALS table, were there is a suprising number of cables with no labels at all.  Most of these cables are also not included in the cable plan, for the cables that go to feedthroughs I've been naming the cable after the cable on the other side of the feedthrough and adding an A to the end of the name. Otherwise I just make a name up.    
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.