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Reports until 11:26, Friday 29 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:26, Friday 29 March 2013 (5927)
Beamsplitter transfer functions Phase 3a

After two rounds of transfer functions two nights ago and yesterday night (aLog 5907 and 5920) the beamsplitter look(ed) fully supsended (it had to be locked again this morning)

The attached pdfs show

  1. Transfer functions comparing :
    • BSFM model
    • Measurement on March 27th with one of the top EQ stop touching
    • Measurement on March 28th after Travis found the source of rubbing and fixed it
  2. Power spectra comparing :
    • LLO measurement on October 2012 Phase 3a
    • LHO measurement on March 27th with one of the top EQ stop touching
    • LHO measurement on March 28th after Travis fixed it
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