Reports until 18:40, Saturday 30 March 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:40, Saturday 30 March 2013 (5943)
I looked at the IMC alignment and installed an iris in front of MC1: just a list of what I did...
I transitioned the LVEA to laser hazard and looked at the beam in the IMC, working to understand the yaw needed on MC1 and MC3.

I reinstalled an iris (a 4th one I had made that was "extra") in front of MC1.  The iris I moved to MC1 is the one that IO had used in front of IM2, and then on REFL, and was not installed on any beam when I started.

The 4 irises we now have in HAM2 are:
- in front of MC1 - the extra one that has been floating around the table, that I moved to MC1 today
- in front of MC3 - installed after the last vent per the dog clamps I left on the table marking it's position
- behind MC3 (on MC trans) and before IM1 - installed after the last vent per the dog clamp I left on the table marking it's position
- downstream of PRM - installed last week by IO on the PRM trans beam

The only iris we have in HAM3 is at the edge of the table in front of PR2.  This was installed last week by IO on the PRM trans beam.

 I transitioned the LVEA back to laser safe.