Reports until 16:02, Monday 01 April 2013
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Monday 01 April 2013 (5954)
ops shift

0815 Hertz rental delivering generators

0900 Sheila transitions End Y to laser SAFE

0911 Corey and Kiwamu working on QPDs in LVEA

0920 Michael R de-energizing PSL and computers in H1 PSL enclosure

1000 Pablo working on PCAL periscope in H2 enclosure

1052 Apollo putting doors on HAM2

1110 Kyle and Gerardo shimming cryopump valves (see WP#3794)

1130 Gregorio picking up visitor at airport in Pasco

1342 Dave, Cyrus and Jim making pilgrimage to mid stations--new work stations installed

1420 Cryopump alarms related to Kyle and Gerardo

1550 MidY airhandler alarms---Ski notified.