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Reports until 16:57, Monday 01 April 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Monday 01 April 2013 (5957)
Site-wide 80K pump (Cryogenic pump, CPx) alarms
Kyle, Gerardo 
In preparation for the pending power outage we have been experimenting with ways to maintain minimal flow in the LN2 transfer piping so as to prevent the piping from warming up.  Manually filling the 80K pumps is much quicker when the transfer piping is kept at nominal temperature.  Our first approach of cracking open the LLCV bypass valves proved to be to "coarse" and unrepeatable.  Today we tried a different method by using shims to block open the LLCV valves to near their nominal % open positions and then valving-out the instrument air which prevents CDS control. Each LLCV requires a unique shim combination and we tried to get the best approximation as we could today.  

Valved-in the instrument air and reestablished CDS control until Wednesday morning.  Pump levels will be all over the place this week but are being monitored regularly.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.