Reports until 17:02, Tuesday 02 April 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:02, Tuesday 02 April 2013 (5969)
Last week Chris and Kiwamu told me the slow controls weren't working for the low noise VCOs.  They are now working. 

Some of the issues were:
The corner 3 beckhoff chassis middle rail was not powered correctly, Filiberto fixed this.  
The inputs labeled RF mon on the tester go to pins that the wiring diagram indicates are temp mons, and the rf mon inputs go to pins the wiring diagram indicates are RF mons.  If the tester is right and the w 
The cable for the comm vco was unplugged at the beckhoff chassis
there were no links in the system manager for the diff vco

The Beckhoff modules used as ADCs on the IMC VCO (EL3102) are different from the ones used for the ALS VCOs (EL3104) but the conversion is identical for the different modules, so no changes the TwinCAT library are required

The RF detector used in the VCO (Minicurcuits ZX47-50LN-S+) has a temperature sensor, which the data sheet says has a linear slope of 2mV/degree C, and gives 0.6V at 20C, with the factor of ten gain in the schematic D100064, it seems like the equation used by the library (T=20+50*(V-6)) is right although the values displayed for temperatures do not make sense.  Looking at the test procedure for the VCO it doesn't seem like this part was tested.