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Reports until 16:28, Tuesday 02 April 2013
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Tuesday 02 April 2013 (5970)
Last full day of power - tomorrow the site will have it's power shut down - DOE making changes.

Site activity:
- lots of activity with shutting things off in every building
- crane activity this morning - all are currently locked out
- two loads of Praxair
- crate inspection at MY for PSL parts
- people at EY to get the fiber working
- people looking at storage
- dust monitors moved around and staged in strategic places - some will be recording data and people will be coming in to swap out batteries
- cryopump work shimming on LN2 transfer lines
- all optics have their Master Switches set to "OFF"
- doors are on the HAM chambers
- class-A hardware in the H2 PSL is covered
- a snapshot of the vacuum overview medm is attached - unusual with all the red
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