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Reports until 16:12, Friday 05 April 2013
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Friday 05 April 2013 (5979)
Day Shift Summary

- Apollo installed a couple of viewports for OL, and removed a couple of doors from HAM chambers, see Bubba's entry for more info.
- outside Tech serviced the FM200 system, system is back now.
- Dave continued working with bringing back the CDS system, more green now than this morning.
- Hertz in to take back their generators, all gone now.
- Patrick bringing back dust monitors.
- PSL still down, no light.
- We still have a 2 CCs (VE) down (red) from the power outage, one less than this morning, yes they were toggled now we wait (424B & 524B).

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.