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Reports until 09:19, Saturday 06 April 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:19, Saturday 06 April 2013 (5981)
Friday CDS recovery work

I documented all the BIOS settings for the EY computers. The h1hwsey BIOS was modified to prevent auto-power-on on power restoration. All the front ends were then restarted. We had to reconnect h1seih45 to the Dolphin network (its cable had been removed during initial roll out) to complete the set and get every Dolphin'ed front end going.

No major changes other than: the overflowing h1pslfss DAC channels as before (Rick said it would be ok to continue running this model); the h1susmc3 model would not auto-start, but we could manually start it; and h1susquadtst is showing timing errors (nothing connected to this system).

The DAQ was restarted. The EDCU is missing the PSL Beckhoff controller channels, presumably this computer is powered down.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.