Reports until 10:36, Tuesday 09 April 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:36, Tuesday 09 April 2013 (5998)
Fiber distribution box

Sheila, Keita 

Keita and I had another look at the power losses in the fiber distribution box (S1202528) 
According to the test report the Y end output was 8.4% of the input.  

We remeasured the power into and out of the box, input today was 1.72 mW, Sample output 190 uW, X arm 128 uW, Y arm 112 uW, Squeezer 90 uW.  (the Y arm output is 6.5%, so 25% worse than in the test report) 

We also tried to look up the insertion loss for the beam splitters, it seems as though the beamsplitters we have are custom and not listed on the website, but the max insertion loss that they list on the website for a beam splitter is 1dB.  Daniel says that the AOM should have 2dB insertion loss, so the combination of the 2 beamsplitters and the AOM should be 4dB of losses.  

Based on those numbers we would expect the Y end output to be :
0.8*10^(-0.4)*0.33=10% of input from PSL

We also checked that the LO to the AOM is 10.4dBm, the nominal value is 10dB, so that is fine.  

It seems like we will want some more power from the PSL if possible.