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Reports until 16:13, Monday 07 March 2011
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 07 March 2011 (600)
Monday Ops Log
- John Worden convened the morning meeting.
- Jodi Fauver reports that the results of the Astro Pak cleanness tests were very good.
- Terry Santini / Doug Cook declare that the LSB Fiber Lab area is now a clean (garb-required) area, and is signed accordingly.
- Work at BSC7 on HEPI installation.
- Surveying by H2:PSL area for HAM transfer.
- Swagelok delivery for Hugh Radkins.
- EX and MY are in a "rough vacuum" for BSC transfer.
- New cubicles being installed in OSB, CAD workstations moved to the east cubicle farm in the OSB.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.