Reports until 16:08, Tuesday 09 April 2013
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Tuesday 09 April 2013 (6003)
Day Shift Summary

- Apollo removed east door from WHAM01.
- Laser safe at 10:00 am, Michael R.
- 10:15 am, PNNL called, vibroseis "shaker" truck now active.
- PNNL called last night @ 7:15 pm to notify of end of work, no answer from LHO.
- Alignment work at BS chamber, Doug and Jason, watchdogs tripped several times.
- Patrick T to Y-Mid station.
- NSF tour in the LVEA at 11:26 am.
- Cheryl transition to laser hazard 11:52 am.
- Kiwamy made power measurements in the PSL, ref cav path.
- Kiwamu and Keita working in the WHAM01, stop for today, will continue at a later date.
- IO group working in HAM02
- Hugh and Jim working at WBSC02, HEPI work.
- Cyrus R. to Y-End, x-End and X-Mid, switch work/installation.
- Betsy W and Travis S. to check do ground checks of SUS in chamber, WHAM02 and WHAM03.