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Reports until 16:48, Tuesday 09 April 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Tuesday 09 April 2013 (6005)
Power measurements around reference cavity for ALS

I measured the beam power at various points around the reference cavity (refcav) on the PSL table.
This is a part of the effort to increase the power of the beam that are distributed to the end stations through the fibers for ALS.

Apparently there is one point where we can easily squeeze more beam power out --- the half wave plate and PBS in refcav's AOM path. The PBS throws almost half of its incident power away at the moment (see the numbers below). So rotating the half wave plate will easily give us a factor of two increment in the entire fibers.

* * * * *  Measured Values in the AOM path * * * * *
Before the PBS in the AOM path = 36.0 mW
Transmitted light of the PBS in the AOM path = 18.69 mW
Reflected light of the PBS in the AOM path (blocked by a dump) = 15.20 mW

* * * * *  Measured Values at some other points * * * * *
Incident on refCav = 11.40 mW
Transmitted light of the refcav after the ALS Faraday = 5.69 mW


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