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Reports until 16:20, Tuesday 09 April 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Tuesday 09 April 2013 - last comment - 08:19, Wednesday 10 April 2013(6002)
BS WBSC2 IAS Alignment Status

IAS (DCook, JOberling) setup for pitch & yaw alignment on the BS optic. IAS directed SEI to perform a CCW yaw of 400urad. JWarner did a 1/3+ turn of all HEPI Springs to go CCW. IAS then reported ~45urad CCW remained. SUS TSadecki continued to do Pitch adjustments and the Yaw number may change slightly. This CCW Yaw calculates to move the BS ~0.1mm -Y. Based on the alignment results of 28 March the BS was already 0.8mm -Y and it looks like we pulled it East (-Y) close to 0.1mm based on the Dial Indicators.  So, Jim did a very careful +Y translation (west) of ~1mm with the HEPI Springs.  Jim did two rounds of 1/4turn west of all Springs.Based on the Dial Indicators, this is what we ended up doing.

From the last time we did an Optical Table elevation/level check we have shifted up 0.1mm with only 0.03mm tilt over the span of the Optical Table.

From the X Y Z alignment (28 March) we shifted west 38mils & north 4mils.  The rotation imparted by the translation since Yawing the table this morning is 0.0urads.  Yes 0.0; the DIs all read the same translations implying no rotation measured--Good work Jim!

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:19, Wednesday 10 April 2013 (6008)

Dang login - Betsy writing here...

For the record, prior to the BS alignment work, Arnaud verified that resonance peaks were in the appropriate places indicating that the SUS was healthy enough for the alignment work.

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