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Reports until 18:06, Monday 04 October 2021
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Monday 04 October 2021 - last comment - 09:32, Tuesday 05 October 2021(60130)
SQZT7 in place, periscopes aligned

Sheila, Keita, Daniel, Fil, Georgia

Today we released the various squeezer beams from HAM7 onto the newly placed SQZT7.

We aligned the green double-periscope (+X side) for the OPO relfection beam, and roughly aligned the green beam onto the OPO refl PD. We saw a nice error signal after Daniel tightened some loose connections at the sqz rack.

On the other side of the periscope is the FCGS and SK beampaths. These come out of the chamber and then cross over each other in yaw, so the FCGS path is actually on the left on-table (opposite of what's in the drawing). The two beams are almost 2" apart when they hit the bottom periscope mirror (see attached pic), but they seem to juuust make it off the mirror without either of them clipping.

Keita and Sheila worked on aligning the -X double periscope. They positioned the periscope so that the squeezer beam (which goes to the diagnostic homodyne) was on the periscope mirrors, and aligned the CLF refl path in-chamber to hit the other set of periscope mirrors. The beams coming out of the chamber are at a significan angle, so the periscope has been angled and dogged down. Keita aligned the OPO trans path onto the DC photodiode (DC10), and the CLF shutter trigger diode.

Next steps

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 09:32, Tuesday 05 October 2021 (60137)

Attached are some photos of the location of the greeen beams on the periscope mirrors, as Georgia described.  There is also an action shot showing the progress in HAM7.  

We adjusted the alignment of the CLF refl in yaw to get enough separation between the two beams to be on separate periscope mirrors.  This brought the beam closer to the FC1 cage, so that we are now passing about 5mm from the cage.

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