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Reports until 16:27, Wednesday 10 April 2013
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 10 April 2013 - last comment - 13:34, Thursday 11 April 2013(6016)
SUS work in HAM2 and 3 and BSC2

Kate G, Margot P, Travis S, Betsy W

MC2 has had its blade tip EQ stops replaced with the new shorter version.  HAM2 and 3 have been fully photographed for contamination control efforts.  Spray cones for both the HSTS and HLTS were assembled after some minor modifications were made on the fly.  MC2 has had its first spray on First Contact layers applied.  This required moving the baffle in front of the suspension in order to get the spray cone in place and to make room for a hand and spray bottle.  Its position was marked with extra dog clamps and will be returned upon completion of cleaning.  This work will continue tomorrow with First Contact being sprayed onto the remaining MC and PR suspensions in both chambers.  Additionally, the BS has had its IAS thin-coated First Contact reinforced for its upcoming removal necessitated by baffle alignment. 

Comments related to this report
margot.phelps@LIGO.ORG - 13:34, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6031)
Betsy writing:
Note, we are only FC cleaning the 3 MC-HR surfaces, and the PRM-HR surface, as per COC instruction.
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