Reports until 16:34, Wednesday 10 April 2013
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 10 April 2013 - last comment - 17:13, Wednesday 10 April 2013(6017)
Power into reference cavity increased

Kiwamu, Michael R

We increased the power going into the ref cav to get more light into the ALS fiber pick off. We now have about 23 mW going in. We ran a transfer function and found a lot of noise around 380 kHz, very close to the UGF. To get rid of this we decreased the common gain to 2 dB, giving a gain margin of 2dB. The UGF is now at 200 kHz.

Additionally, the PD in transmission of the ref cav was saturating, so I put an ND 0.3 filter infront of it. This was the lowest one I could find, and it is now reading ~ 3V.

Comments related to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 17:13, Wednesday 10 April 2013 (6021)

I found the FSS couldn't recover from an oscillation event and had to decrease the fast gain to 6 dB for it to get back.