Jeff, Rahul, Betsy, TJ, and Nidhi
- Prepared the directory structure for the new HSTS FC1 in SusSVN repository similar to the other SUSs located in
- Copied
2021_01_29_1600_H1SUSFC1_M1_WhiteNoise_*DoF*_0p01to50Hz.xml templates
located in /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/PR2/SAGM1/Data/ over to /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/FC1/SAGM1/Data/
- Replaced 'PR2' with 'FC1' in the copied templates.
- Started transfer function measurement for L DoF, which did not look good. See first image attached to this report.
- During troubleshooting while watching the movement of the needles in M1 CENTERING MEDM screen, Jeff noticed that the LEFT and RIGHT RAW INMON values were changing opposite of each other when they should be moving in sync with each other. This is when he remembered that he forgot to install the COILOUTF gains. The gain polarities for all SUSs are listed in T1200015. After updating the signs in the gain of the COIL OUTPUT FILTERS, the TFs look much better than before. See second image attached to this report. Still need to figure out the reason for the offset in magnitude.
- The first image will go in the transfer function coloring book and made a note to self to check the polarity of all new SUSs.