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Reports until 17:40, Wednesday 06 October 2021
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Wednesday 06 October 2021 - last comment - 15:00, Thursday 18 August 2022(60166)
HAM7 work: temporary OPO locking set up, seed aligned to OPO, co-resonance found, DCPDs

Keita, Sheila, Camilla, Georgia, Daniel

This morning Georgia moved G:M2 to unclip the pump reflected beam on the top periscope mirror.  We had marked the location of the beams on the SQZT7 panel before the fiber swap and pump alignment fix yesterday, so looked at the location of the pump beam relative to it's mark this morning before making the adjustment.  The beam was only a few mm from the marked location when we started low and to the -X direction.  Georgia moved the beam past the original position in the +X direction, so that the beams will be more separated on the periscope top (to make fitting the beams on different periscope mirrors easier, see photos 60137 for how close they were). I quickly realigned the path the the pump REFL diode.  Georgia and Keita are now working on realigning the SK path.

We were able to lock the OPO in green using the Thorlabs MDT694 PZT driver.  We locked with positive input polarity on the common mode board, 7dB of gain, 1 common boost (0/10Hz p/z), 1 slow boost (4/400Hz p/z), and the compensation filter in the slow path (4Hz pole).  We added the compensation filter because the MZPZT driver has a 1/10Hz pole/zero and a 400H pole formed from the PZT +output impendance. With these settings we measured a ugf of 3kHz and 20 degrees of phase margin, later I reduced the gain to 3dB input gain to reduce oscillations.  There is a large peak at 1kHz in the error signal, but the lock was stable enough that this may be good enough for now. 

We moved the CLF shutter trigger diode (a PDA 100A) on SQZT7 to monitor the beam diverter reflected beam, instead of alinging the dim beam all the way to the homodyne. Georgia used this signal to fix the alignment of the CLF/seed into the OPO.  With the cavity scanning, I adjusted the OPO temperature to line up the IR and green resonances, at 49.4 C. With the OPO locked, the corresonance is around 49.42C.

There was quite a lot of work on the DCPDs today, I will leave it to someone involved in that to alog.  The CLF and pump fiber rejected polarization PDs are working and aligned, so Daniel rotated the wave plates to minimize the rejected pump power.  This was actually a large improvement in the power to the refl diode, so we will need to adjust the PDH gain and the co-resonance temperature tomorow to account for that.

We checked the transmision of the pump fiber chain: 3.75mW input to fiber port on SQZT0, 1.45mW after the polarizer in HAM7, so 39% transmission.  There is a 50/50 BS for the SK path in the reflected beam, and 0.65mW arriving at the periscope and pump refl PD on SQZT7.

This morning we had to move the filpper out of the filter cavity green sensing fiber path on SQZT0, because it would not flip up.  He thinks there is a bad connection somewhere; the behavoir changed after switcing which feedthrough was used.  This is not fixed yet.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 20:50, Wednesday 06 October 2021 (60169)


This was initially reading 9V because anode and cathode were swapped in chamber (seems like a manufacturing error).

According to D2000461-v1, pin25 is cathode and pin13 is anode in chamber, which means that pin1 is anode and pin14 is cathode  outside of chamber. However, when we tested it using DVM from outside of the chamber, pin1 was cathode. We used two breakout boards and two clip cables to swap the pins mid-air at SQZ R2 rack, and the PD started working.

We don't know if it's easy to fix it in chamber. If it's not, we'll fix it at the rack.


DB9 cable for these DCPDs was found mated to the connector for the lens translation stage in chamber. It took some effort to undo the cabling and reroute correct ones to appropriate positions, but after doing that these started working.

HAM7 "FC FIBR Rejected" and "OFI A Rejected" DCPDs

These were working electronically, but we found that the positions of these were swapped. Since we haven't even aligned the beam on these yet, we'll fix it in chamber.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 16:22, Thursday 07 October 2021 (60177)

Relocking OPO with polarization fixed:

As expected, we had about 10 times larger error signal with 10 times more light on the diode today (0.65mW OPO REFL, about 1V pp error signal).  We locked the OPO with similar settings to yesterday but less input gain: positive polarity, -19dB input gain, 1 common boost, 1 slow boost, slow copensation filter. 

We found co-resonance at 49.47C. 

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 16:43, Thursday 07 October 2021 (60180)

Fil swapped pins 1 & 14 on the rack side of in-air cable ISC_SQ_481. This fixed the problem with the DCPD in HAM5.

georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 17:22, Thursday 07 October 2021 (60181)
  • I levelled the beam path coming off B:M4 - previously this was pitched up to be centered on the viewport simulator between HAM7 and SQZT7, but it should be aligned for the ZM4-ZM5-ZM6 path, not the viewport.
    • This lowered the beam on the SQZT7 periscope. I lowered the top mirror to compensate.
    • Keita and Camilla went to insert the in-chamber lens for this path (C:L1, ROC=500m), but found that it expanded the beam significantly at the periscope. Without the lens the beam is nice to work with so we will leave it out.
  • Keita worked on fixing the SK path so it and the FCGS can comfortably share the SQZT7 periscope. The two beams are now nicely separated.
    • The SK path and FCGS path are switched coming into SQZT7, we'll need to update the diagram and switch up some optics.
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:05, Friday 08 October 2021 (60185)
HAM7 "FC FIBR Rejected" (H:PD1 "DCPD-C") and "OFI A Rejected" (B:PD1 "DCPD-D") DCPDs
These PDs were swapped to their correct positions and tested.
H:PD1 is aligned but beam dump hasn't been checked yet. There is also a ghost beam on the right of the main beam (AR off H:BS1 probably) that we should try to block. See photo. Georgia changed a waveplate on SQZT0 to change polarization not get this beam bright enough to align. 
B:PD1 not yet aligned, need OPO locked have beam bright enough to align. 
Aligned PDs and beamdumps by eye and tested but should check alignment today using IR and phone camera. 
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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 15:00, Thursday 18 August 2022 (64560)

Adding the photos I took 2021/10/15 at 10am of F:PD1 and G:PD1 to the alog. 

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