Reports until 08:11, Thursday 11 April 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:11, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6027)
The ALS fiber power increased by a factor of 2

As a result of the power increment [1] we now have 4.76 mW of the infrared light at the field rack, which used to be 2.4 mW in the morning [2]. Yeah.

- - - - Measured Beam Powers
Incident on the refcav 21.4 mW
Incident on the fiber = 8.91 mW
The fiber power at the field rack = 4.76 mW

[1] LHO alog 6017 "Power into reference cavity increased"
[2] LHO alog 6103 "Coupling into ALS fiber on PSL table"