[Wenxuan, Georgia, Camilla, Sheila, Lee]
Following up from LHO60349. Georgia powered the PSAMS driver and gatherd a pickoff board to monitor the strain gauge. We then measured the beam profile after ZM4 while moving the ZM4-PSAMS-voltage and logged the output counts, voltage readback, and strain gauge along with the beam size (a bit past) the location of ZM5, but picked off before ZM5. We took data at 0V, 30V, 60V, 80V, 100V, 117V (max with our HV-supply), then (fewer) points going back down in voltage. We can clearly see the beam size changing.
We then profiled the D: path to check that the waist is in an appropriate location for the 105kHz WFS/WPDs that will be installed.
FInally, we moved the profiler to measure the beam from ZM5 towards ZM6. We only took a single beam size measurement at each ZM5 PSAMS voltage, since we know the beam size on ZM5 from the previous set of measurements. We took data at ZM5PSAMS of 0V,25V,50V,75V,100V, 117V, 100V, 50V, 0V. We took this dataset again after setting ZM4PSAMS to 100V. Origin in these data points is the distance from the profiler to the edge of the ISI (picture below). We will need to get the distance of the ZM5 to the edge to determine the path length of the beam.
Attached are the datasets for these 3 sets of measurements. Tomorrow is laser safe so I plan to plot these out and determine the defocus from the measurements and make some tables of the results.
The D: path also deserves some more logging, as we adjusted it to improve the space available for the QPD/WFS arriving in ~2weeks.