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Reports until 16:53, Thursday 11 April 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Thursday 11 April 2013 - last comment - 10:56, Friday 12 April 2013(6036)
Viewport (non)readiness for HIFO test in the LVEA (Joe DeRenzis, Keita)

We've  checked the status of viewports that are necessary for HIFO in the LVEA in the morning. We haven't checked if correct viewports are in, only the number and positions of the viewports. 

We've found that total of 10 viewports are still missing.

Also, since we don't have ITM baffle, it might help to add a camera viewport for IY (BSC1) from the HR side just under the illuminator, i.e. G2. In  OAT we couldn't tell from the spool camera view if the beam is centered on ITMY or not simply because the camera on the IY Adapter was too far (though a good zoom lens would have helped).

Tomorrow Joe will go through the inventory and hopefully find the right ones. We'll also have a look at EY viewports.

Edit: It's already tomorrow from yesterday's point of view, and we confirmed that EY viewports are all there.

HAM1: All good, 7 called for / 7 installed. Note that HAM1W and HAM1E doors are physically labeled 'HAM2W' and 'HAM2E' for historical reasons. I'll use Sharpie to correct the problem if it's not fixed soon.

HAM2: All good, 18/18. HAM2W and HAM2E doors are physically labeled 'HAM1W' and 'HAM1E' bla bla. Sharpie bla.

HAM3: All good, 4/4.

WAMCA1 (MC tube attachment by HAM2): 2/3. One missing. Also one is using a different location.

WAMCB1 (MC tube attachment by HAM3): 2/7. Five missing.

IY Adapter WA-1F: 2/3. One missing.

BSC2 (BS): 1/3. Two missing.

BSC1 (IX): 1/2. One missing.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:58, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6037)

WAMCA1 pictures. First one is taken from the East, showing that nothing is there though there should be video PR2 at least.

 The second one is from the West, showing Video MC2 (middle) and OptLev HAM3 (displaced from the east bottom to the west bottom).

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:01, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6038)

WAMCB1 pictures. The first one is the east side showing nothing, but there should be OptLev PR3 OUT, Video MC1, Video PRM and OptLev PR3 IN.

The second one is the west side showing two of three viewports that should be there. The one missing is Video PR3 at the top.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:06, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6039)

IY adapter pictures. The first one is from the north side showing OPTLEV ITMY-IN at the bottom, which is good.

The second one is the south side which shows OPTLEV ITMY-OUT at the top, but not ITMY Video viewport in the middle.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:14, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6040)

BSC2 pictures. It's kind of hard to see, but the four pictures show four viewport columns in NE, NW, SW, SE.

NE has OptLev BS, which is good.

NW is totally closed, which is how it should look.

SW is supposed to have illumitator at the top and BS Video in the middle, but they're not there.

SE is totally closed, which is how it should look.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Thursday 11 April 2013 (6041)

BSC1 picture from the south side. Illuminator is at the top left, which is good.

ITMY-CP Video is missing from the middle right. It's not a tragedy if we don't have this one for HIFO.

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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 10:56, Friday 12 April 2013 (6052)
The HAM3 OptLev does receive the output beam out of VP7 on WAMCA1 so that works fine. 
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