Reports until 18:21, Thursday 11 April 2013
H1 SEI - posted 18:21, Thursday 11 April 2013 - last comment - 10:50, Thursday 18 April 2013(6045)
HAM2-ISI - Lockers/Balancing

Mitch, Jim, Hugo,

HAM2-ISI was repayloaded, rebalanced, and its lockers (all) were adjusted. We gave HAM2 back to SUS so they can proceed with testing.

 CPS readouts (counts) with the ISI locked, and unlocked, are displayed below.

  Locked Unlocked Shift
H1 -3355 -2861 494
H2 -2622 -2604 18
H3 -121 -713 592
V1 344 709 365
V2 -436 -534 98
V3 -364 -820 456

Even though they are a bit mis-centered (away from 0cts), CPS Targets are far from contacting the sensor. We will leave the CPSs un-zeroed and use a bias in the control loop, as we have done so far.   

Cables rubbing against the chamber/support tubes could be an issue for HEPI commissioning. We took care of dressing the cables away from the chamber and the support tubes, as we could without unplugging anyone (See attached Pictures). It is good practice to always adjust installed cables so they are cleanly dressed, away from the chamber and the support tubes, before connecting them to a feedthrough.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report - 10:50, Thursday 18 April 2013 (6125)

Aluminium straps tend to come off. Mitch replaced them with peak zip ties. Picture attached

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