J. Kissel I use data from recent aLOGs LHO:60446 and LHO:60447 to calibrate the standard HXDS sliders in YAW, and compare that against the standard method, which is to use the from-first-principles suspension dynamical model, and dead-reckoned model values for electronics components of the actuator chain. The Answer: Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source YAW [urad/ct] 7.856e-1 5.5091e-2 (7.0%) Weighted Mean of (ZM5 to ZM6) measurement, (ZM4 to ZM5) measurement, and first-principles model Not the uncertainty is quite small, mostly because of the precision of the ZM4 to ZM5 results that Betsy quotes of "13-15 [mm] of motion" over the nominal ZM4 to ZM5 distance lever arm of 1.6812 [m]. Let's get these kind of measurements all the time! For Pitch, I don't have a displacement over lever measurement (yet??), so we must rely on the from-first-principles suspension dynamical model, and dead-reckoned model values for electronics components of the actuator chain like we've used for many other suspension types -- which -- the above data proves is quite imprecise. Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source PITCH [urad/ct] 4.498e-01 4.498e-01 (100.0%) first principles model alone The Thought Process & Calculation: Using ZM5 to ZM6 distance as YAW calibration. Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source arc [m] 0.02000 0.00500 (25%) LHO:60446, guess at uncertainty of +/-5 mm. lever [m] 4.6900 0.07620 (1.6%) D1900436, 184.64 [inches] in [meters], rounded to nearest [mm], wild guess at +/- 3 [inch] = 7.62 [cm] uncertainty between HR surface quoted in D1900436 and where surface of "ZM6 baffle" lie. angle span [rad] 4.265e-3 1.069e-03 (25%) angle value = (arc value / lever value) and (+/-) abs. unc = (angle value) * sqrt((arc unc / arc value)^2 + (lever unc / lever value)^2). slider span [ct] 4700.0 0.00000 LHO:60446, no uncertainty. calibration [rad/ct] 9.075e-07 2.274e-07 (25%) calibration value = (angle / slider span) and (+/-) abs. unc = (calibration value) * (angle rel. uncertainty). YAW calib. [urad/ct] 9.075e-01 2.274e-01 (25%) [rad/ct] value * 1e6 [urad/rad]. Using ZM4 to ZM5 distance as YAW calibration. Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source arc [m] 0.01400 0.00100 (7.1%) LHO:60447, "13-15 mm of motion" lever [m] 1.6812 0.02540 (1.5%) D1900436, 66.19 [inches] in [meters], rounded to the nearest [mm], wild guess at 1 [inch] uncertainty between HR surface to HR surface, from design to in-situ value. angle span [rad] 8.328e-3 6.081e-04 (7.3%) angle span value = (arc value / lever value) and (+/-) abs. unc = (angle value) * sqrt((arc unc / arc value)^2 + (lever unc / lever value)^2). slider span [ct] 10600.0 0.00000 LHO:60447, no uncertainty. calibration [rad/ct] 7.857e-07 5.736e-08 (7.3%) calibration value = (angle / slider span) and (+/-) abs. unc = (calibration value) * (angle rel. uncertainty). YAW calib. [urad/ct] 7.857e-01 5.736e-02 (7.3%) [rad/ct] value * 1e6 [urad/rad]. Using "From first Principles" (boldly claiming no uncertainty) knowledge of the M1 actuation chain (but checks out against modeled vs. measured M1 drive to M1 response transfer functions [which should be equivalent to the M1 drive to M2 response at low frequency] within a factor of 2.0): Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source slider span [ct] 10600.0 0.00000 LHO:60447, no uncertainty. EULER2OSEM [N/(N.m)] (cancels w/ nActs & leverarm) DAC gain [V/ct] 20/2^16 "This is known" Top, M1 masses of HXDSs, like HTTSs, use 16-bit DACs, with 20 V peak-to-peak range. Coil Driver Transconduct.[A/V] 0.988e-3 T1200264 HAM-A Driver design study, with a BOSEM coil. nActs [] (cancels w/ EUL2OSEM) Magnet Strength [N/A] 0.963 T1000164 "fmax" thoery, from Table 2 for 10 mm Diam x 5 mm Thick NdFeB magnet lever arm [(N.m)/M] (cancels w/ EUL2OSEM) YAW M1 drive to M2 optic DC compliance [rad/N.m] 1.382 hxdsopt_doublep.m parameters using ssmake2MBf.m model angle span [rad] 4.2535e-03 4.2535e-03 (100%) angle span value = (slider span) * (DAC gain) * (CD TC) * (manget strength) * (Yaw M1 to M2 compliance), with uncertainty = +/- value calibration [rad/ct] 4.0127e-07 4.0127e-07 (100%) calibration value = (angle span) / (slider span) YAW calib. [urad/ct] 4.0127e-01 4.0127e-01 (100%) [rad/ct] value * 1e6 [urad/rad]. From which, we can derive the weighted mean, and weighted standard error on the mean, (in the Standard, 1960's, frequentist, blinding assuming bounds are gaussian sigma without correcting, low-number statistics don't matter, and assuming no systematics, manor -- i.e. really crude uncertainty combination that is certainly is drastically underestimating or misrepresenting the uncertainty), Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source YAW calib. weighted mean [urad/ct] 7.856e-1 5.5091e-2 (7.0%) (weighted mean) = sum(x./sigma.^2) / sum(1./sigma.^2), (standard error on the mean) = sqrt( 1 ./ sum(sigma.^(-2))) where "x" and "sigma" are the [urad/ct] value and absolute uncertainty from each of the three methods, respectively. Just in case we don't get the opportunity to measure similar values for the in-situ pitch slider, we can still repeat the (wildly imprecise, as shown indicated above) first principle's calculation from above: (DAC gain) * (CD TC) * (manget strength) * (Pitch M1 to M2 compliance) * ([um/m]) = (20/2^16) * (0.988e-3) * (0.963) * (1.549) * (1e6) = 4.4976e-01 where the pitch compliance comes from the same SUS matlab model as in Yaw, and again, comparing M1 to M1 transfer function measurements against this model a low frequency reveal that this is good to about a factor of 2. Unit Value Abs. Unc. (Rel. Unc) Source PITCH [urad/ct] 4.498e-01 4.498e-01 (100.0%) the above quick calculation above, only augmented by the M1 to M2 Pitch compliance, rather than the yaw compliance (thanks to the already-installed EUL2OSEM matrix which accounts for the lever arm difference).
Added Pitch ZM5 measurement to alog 60480.
The thought process for turning the arc value into and angle value in the above calculation does not account for the infamous factor of 2 in optical-lever-style displacement measurements. The calculations should not be angle value = (arc value / lever value) but instead angle value = (arc value / (2 * lever value) ) See description of why this factor of two appears in G1200698. (Note that the following still remains true, abs. angle unc = (angle value) * sqrt((arc unc / arc value)^2 + (lever unc / lever value)^2) ) Rather than redo all these calculations in the comments here, I'll just make a new aLOG.