J. Kissel, for B. Weaver & R. Kumar Today has been a *day* for the install team. Betsy and Rahul are trying to get back with Jason to re-shoot the surveyed position of FC1 to complete the Initial (global) Alignment assessment, and found that the SUS wouldn't damping and they couldn't get coherence on transfer functions -- even though the SUS looked quite free, and the OSEMs are relatively centered around their flags. Turns out, it's simply that the COILOUTF gains (that we recently remembered we had to set -- see LHO aLOG 60171) had gotten lost in Monday's reboot of all corner station computers to clear dolphin errors (see LHO aLOG 60382) because we neglected to save them in the FC1 safe.snap burt restore file. I've re-installed the all stages, M1, M2, and M3 COILOUTF signs according to cannon, T1200015 and accepted it in H1SUSFC1's safe.snap. Finally -- I noticed also that the team had had the top mass coil drivers requested to have their analog low-pass filter ON, (i.e. State 2 of the driver, where BIO_M1_STATEREQ = 2). In the case of in-air functioning, we almost always need as much DAC range as possible, and don't care at ALL what the level of DAC noise is propagating through the suspension. As such -- I've switch the analog low-pass *OFF*, by requesting the guardian state "ROBUST_DAMPED," which switches the coil driver state to state 1 (analog low-pass OFF), and ups the watchdog thresholds to 80000. All better!