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Reports until 16:56, Thursday 28 October 2021
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 28 October 2021 - last comment - 14:08, Monday 01 November 2021(60446)
SQZ beam alignment from HAM7 to HAM5 through ZM4, ZM5, ZM6, OFI, IFO

[Sheila, Rahul, Betsy, Camilla]  Today we better centered on ZM5, restored pointing through OFI and found return IFO beam and reset HAM7 irises.

We released since yesterday's alog 60425 that the reason we had no light through the OFI after centering on the iris was that SRM wasn't aligned. Once aligned we had bright light through the OFI, which was robust to significant ZM alignment changes. We conclude we do trust the HAM7 irises to restore pointing through the OFI. 

We were still not happy with the ZM5 centering (photo in alog 60420) so spent today realigning. Left ZM4 centering alone- it's good enough. 

Centered beam on ZM5 using ZM4 mechanical and slider pitch and yaw adjustments. We removed the original 2 irises as the beam was now clipping. We adjusted ZM5 sliders (and maybe mechanically) to center beam on HAM5 iris. Then adjusted OFI picomotor to center beam on SR2. Then adjusted ITMY to find IFO return beam at SRM and going into HAM6! Detailed notes attached. Alignment values below:

12 9
SQZ OFI steering pico (#5)

Tested alignment slider for later calibration: Moved ZM5 Yaw alignment slider 4700 counts and measured 2cm motion at ZM6 baffle. Tagging SUS.

Before closing HAM5 door we will: do final checks that beam is still pointing through the OFI, check all baffle centering including ZM6. Rahul may still need to center ZM4 OSEMS.

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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:37, Thursday 28 October 2021 (60447)

A day or so ago we also did the calibration of the ZM4 Yaw slider. We observed 13-15mm of motion at ZM5 between the ~max slider values of -5100 to +5500. So ~14 mm of yaw beam spot move for 10600 slider counts over the lever arm from ZM4 to ZM5. Didn't do Pitch...

camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 10:01, Monday 01 November 2021 (60474)
For the ZM5 Yaw actualtion measurement (28th Oct 3:27pm), Betsy held the ruler and IR card at the ZM6 baffle which I estimate is 1.5” in front of the optic. The top of the baffle is 50mm from the SUS but the baffle is slanted so it is closer at the optic itself.  Baffle photo is in alog 60381.
I’ve attached photos showing the beam at 110mm and 90mm on the ruler, before/after the 4700 counts ZM5 movements so 20mm of movement. 
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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 14:08, Monday 01 November 2021 (60480)

This morning we actuated ZM5 pitch and recorded beam position change on the ZM6 baffle (same as described above). Sheila made sure that the suspensions were not saturating. 15mm movement at ZM6 for 5000 ZM5 pitch counts.  Completed Nov 1st ~11am.  Plan to take ZM4 to ZM5 pitch measurement during HAM7 only time later on. 

Counts on ZM5 PIT Ruler measurement at ZM6
+2129 30mm
+129 24mm
-2871 15mm
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