Reports until 16:53, Friday 12 April 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Friday 12 April 2013 - last comment - 16:54, Friday 12 April 2013(6064)
HAM 2, 3, BSC 2 SUS closeout

So, the afternoon BS FC application/removal indeed picked up the hazy 3" circle at the 3 o'clock position and the FC remnants at the center of the optic.  However, there are now little "splatter dots" across the ~entire surface, 1-3 every inch.  Some are a little circle like feature, as if we "sprayed something wet on it" and it dried in small dots - ha.  So, I'm certain these are from the FC spray drying faster than I could spray - even when I was anticipating this and sprayed fast to try to avoid this.  Possibly a subsequent FC cleaning could remove these, but I'm out of time to keep performing this few hour long task again and again.  Will confer with CIT regarding cleaning in 2 months.

Arnaud and Travis finished reassembling the BS EQ stops and ellipt baffle and took B & K measurements, so we are done there.

Note, we have officially walked away from HAM 2/3, turning them over to SEI who are now TF'ing.  Which brings me to the PRM - the FC cleaning of this guy was a failure as there is major smearing/contaminant on the HR surface (see pic 3 attached).  Of course, this is the one I did completely by myself without the Margot/Kate help, so apparently I did something wrong although not sure what since I was following their procedure and working with them.  Michael reminds me that we do not used PRM in HIFOy so we will revisit cleaning on PRM again in 2 months.  The MC1 - 3 FC cleaning this week removed some particulate although all 3 mirrors have a few particles within the central 1" area - particulate that I could not blow off with deion' N2.

Phew - SUS is finally done in HAM2, 3, and BSC2 - for NOW.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 16:54, Friday 12 April 2013 (6065)

PRM pic.

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