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Reports until 15:46, Monday 15 April 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Monday 15 April 2013 (6091)
MC3 Phase 3a passed

Prior to HAM3 chamber close up, MC3 transfer functions have been running last friday.

The attached pdfs show :

  1. Comparison between last TF damping on and model
  2. Comparison between last TF damping off and model
  3. Comparison between last TF LHO damping on/damping off and LHO phase 3a (in december 2012)
  4. Zoomed version of 3

Measurements are consistents with model and previous data, and MC3 has been approved for Phase 3a testing.

The only particularity to notice is that the damping in YAW doesn't provide much effect

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