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Reports until 16:16, Monday 15 April 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Monday 15 April 2013 (6093)
PRM aligned and parking positionsL
PRM was left in it's parking position after IO work last week, and this was disruptive to transfer functions last Thursday.  Today I put PRM into it's aligned position, so new transfer functions can be made.

The PRM PARKED position, which sends the IFO REFL beam out a viewport atop HAM2, is:
P = +2500 urads, which is    4688 in counts of drive
Y = -6000 urads, which is -16084 in counts of drive

The PRM ALIGNED position, which sends the IOF REFL beam into HAM1, is:
P = +2000 urads, which is 3750 in counts of drive
Y =     +50 urads, which is   134 in counts of drive

Aligned snapshot of the medm attached.
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