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Reports until 16:27, Wednesday 08 December 2021
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 08 December 2021 - last comment - 16:36, Wednesday 08 December 2021(60943)
H1 SUS IMs DAC Drives Restored -- Health Check TFs Taken -- All Look Excellent
J. Kissel, F. Clara
FRS Ticket 21587

After Fil confirmed and fixed the issue with the H1 SUS IM Binary IO card cabling that was leftover from the recent, corresponding, sush2b IO Chassis Upgrade (see ID of problem in LHO:60911 and fix in LHO:60932), I was clearly and easily able to drive the SUS as normal. 

As such, I can confirm that IM1, IM2, IM3, and IM4, all look exactly as they have during a series of 2019-06-25 measurements during O3, healthy and happy.
I've also confirmed that the remote switching of the coil driver's DC state via binary IO works again.

As I recently did with MC SUS (LHO:60907), I'll post the "comparison against previous measurement" plots here, and post the individual measurement plots that expose more transfer functions (cross-coupled drive to response, and euler drive to OSEM basis) in the comments.

Also, just because 
   - there was a lot of extra stuff I didn't recognize regarding calibration of these HAUX signal chains in the individual measurement processing script,

namely, that the calibration had a switch between H1 and L1, and within L1 a switch between IM1+IM2 and IM3+IM4 HAM-A coil driver actuation strength, and 
   - I continue to notice that -- even when they're healthy -- the H1 IMs have a diversity of how each DOF's resonance manifests under the face of their ECD damping configuration,
I also attach a plot of all 8, project wide, HAUX most recent best transfer function.

It shows indeed that, even though the discussion and action last happened in 2013, L1 still has different actuation strengths for their instantiations of HAUX. Huh!
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:28, Wednesday 08 December 2021 (60944)
These successful transfer functions of the IMs sufficiently close out FRS Ticket 21587.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:32, Wednesday 08 December 2021 (60945)
Things of note for the surrounding environment during this measurement:
    - OPTICALIGN top mass alignment sliders were turned *ON*, 
        MC1 P 6755 urad, and Y -10874 urad.
        MC2 P 20257 urad, and Y -3077 urad.
        MC3 P -7651 urad, and Y -9070 urad.
        MC3 P -3843 urad, and Y -3435 urad.
    - A 1 count (??) longitudinal drive request from the LOCK banks of IMs 1-3 were on. No other DAC drive was requested of the SUS (DC offsets or otherwise) during the measurements.
    - The ISI was in FULLY_ISOLATED (thus HEPI unlocked).
    - The surrounding vacuum pressure was around 1.8e-6 Torr (plenty enough evacuated to be considered "under vacuum" and any buoyancy forces from air have been removed).
    - Top mass CD state was in its lowest range, lowest noise "low-pass ON" mode, i.e. M1 BIO STATE REQUEST = 2.0
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:36, Wednesday 08 December 2021 (60946)
More detailed plots of each individual measurement attached here.

Templates for these measurements are as follows:



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