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Reports until 23:06, Monday 15 April 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:06, Monday 15 April 2013 (6097)
ALS doubling, unoptimized
Today Dick assembled the DC PDs we needed and Filiberto and Aaron added some cables so that we could get the PDs going tonight.  

I leveled the beam and aligned it along the bolt holes, and added the PLCX-50.8-309.1 16 inches from the bottom periscope mirror, and the f=143 lens 10+1/4" after that.  This resulted in a waist of 16 um, by moving the 2 inch lens back 6 cm I got a 18um waist, the measurements are attached.  In these plots 0 is 394 mm from the inner edge of the enclosure walls.  

I then installed the crystal, which was labeled 1x1x10mm PPKTP but was not square but rectangular.  It was in the box mounted in a holder that must have been part of the comerical SHG oven.  I tried to align the beam through the crystal, but it was difficult to see what I was doing so the crystal position might need adjusting.  We will need another lens right after the oven because the beam diverges quickly after the 18um waist.  

I did not optimize the temperature, but measured 67 uW of green produced.  

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